Programmers haaaate ads. But love series like Mr. Robot and Halt and Catch Fire. So, we created a 15-minute interactive thriller, “Day Zero,” where we gave developers the power to code their own adventures. With each binary choice, they could dictate the fate of our hero and learn about MongoDB Atlas software.

“It scores as a long-form product demo with a retro/William Gibson vibe.” - Muse by Clio

“With twists and turns at each decision, the audience is in suspense until the final surprise ending.” - Little Black Book
Extended Film Trailer
:15 Trapped In A Game Film Trailer
:06 Going Up Film Trailer

Film Banners

Director Benny Nicks and Midsommar/Hereditary DP Pawel Pogorzelski “bathe the action in compellingly moody shadows and constantly flickering screens.”

Social Character Posters

Agency: Giant Spoon
Role: ACD, Writer
Role: ACD, Writer
Official Selection: Tribeca Film Festival - Tribeca X, Interactive
Official Selection: Tribeca Film Festival - Tribeca X, Interactive
︎︎︎Muse by Clio
︎︎︎Little Black Book